DB Tuatara 21st
Tuatara turns 21 at Beervana 2021.
Client: DB Breweries
Involvement: Creative design, Event installation & pack-down, event management, graphic design, print procurement, asset storage, logistics.
To celebrate Tuatara Brewing turning 21, DB Breweries asked us to recreate a classic 21st Birthday party vibe with nostalgic, cringe-worthy photos, hilarity, and an overall loud, fun celebration!
Deliverables & Outcome
Inspired by the Tuatara brand beginning as backyard operation in the hills above the small town Waikanae, Brand Spec’s concept was a 21st community hall party that was rustic, full of helium foil balloons, bright lighting, with a photobooth and props to suit perfectly to those terrible selfies at everyones favorite mate’s 21st, yardie included!
Over 120 swappa crates were turned into a full crate wall that stood at the back of the event space. Within the crate wall was the number 21 spelt out using LED neon flex. This was interchangeable in colour and modes,
it was eye catching and turned many heads.
The large Tuatara sign was made from lightbulb lettering.
Print production included large scale signage, posters, menu signs and history wall.