Sustainable practices

We use innovation and common sense to create practical sustainability solutions


Zero Plastics

BrandSpec has moved to a zero plastic and recyclable only packaging policy.

We now use compostable and biodegradable packaging to substitute for old fashioned plastics.



Our packaging materials are on target to becoming 100% recyclable.

Our commitment to providing local supply - rather than imported material - supports local suppliers who can produce the right material, on time while reducing waste and saving on carbon miles.



We are on the path to carbon zero and have already implemented energy saving practices throughout our operation.

We have the knowledge, tools and capability to assist you in making practical changes in your marketing material, storage, production, end-of-life and distribution that will play its part in leading to a thriving and sustainable future for us all.

As a business, we care deeply about the people we work with. And we can't claim to care for people if we don't care about the planet we all inhabit. So for years, we've been driven to innovate practical solutions to reduce waste and our clients' impact on the environment.

Internally, we encourage sustainable ideas to flow freely from the top to the bottom of the organization. We do this not only because we're proving for ourselves and our clients that waste reduction is good for the environment, but we've proven it's good for business.

And when we do good for business AND the environment, we're making a measurable impact on the lives and careers of future generations.

That's why we believe this is a cause worth fighting for.