
Snackachangi Launch

Client: The Griffin’s Food Company

Involvement: Concept creative, graphic design, artwork, print procurement and manufacture, distribution and logistics.


Create innovative ideas for the launch of the new Snackachangi range of chips for internal and trade marketing. The client wanted to go big!


  1. With a big personality associated with Snackachangi, Leigh Hart, we decided to go big creating giant packs for each chip flavour

  2. Working with our suppliers we created a solution that could transport flat and then become 3D with the aid of internal inserts

  3. For the launch trade events we created the opposite of the giant packs - mini packs for each flavour. These were used as giveaways!


The giant packs were a big hit with Griffin’s staff and we have since produced other versions for new chip product launches. Leigh Hart has also used them for his own social media marketing.


1.8m giant packs

Leigh Hart with our giant packs

Mini packs