
Griffin's Prize Hampers

Client: The Griffin’s Food Company

Involvement: Kitting, stock management, pick ‘n’ pack, material procurement, freight track and trace, distribution and logistics.


This was a call for help from our creative agency partner who faced the challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic restricting access to their office space, causing a lack of resource (staff) and space to work on kitting jobs. 

As an essential business, we had the government certification which allowed our roller doors to stay open and our packing benches were ready to assist those that could not operate during Covid-19 lockdown.


We packed a total of 215 hampers, that individually contained a sustainable tray, filled with wood wool, products and wrapped together with cellophane and large ribbons. 

All hampers were sent out to Sales reps to distribute to prize winners. We sent these out with Covid precautions, protecting the safety of our team and the gift receivers.